


A 2-meter diameter model of Steamed Fish Heads with Diced Red Chilies, a famous Hunanese dish, is so lifelike, while the aroma of the freshly cooked fish head with chilies is nearbyAn intangible cultural heritage (ICH) fair about foods in Changsha is welcoming many tourists to taste and take photos this summer.



Tan Yan, the fourth-generation ICH inheritor of cooking Steamed Fish Heads with Diced Red Chilies, attended the fair and cooked this iconic Hunan cuisine on the site by herself. Many out-of-town tourists who tried the dishrate it positively-the fish head was tender and delicious,, as well as the spicy and appetizing soup. The fair will last for the whole summer holiday and is welcoming for citizens and visitors to have a taste.

【Author:He Wenbing】 【Editor:李苏璇】